Updated 10/25/2019
The Association of Women in Science (AWIFS) is an organization based in Philadelphia dedicated to raising awareness of STEM and forensic science research by providing community outreach and networking opportunities for female individuals. Additionally, AWIFS is committed to providing educational opportunities for youth who are interested pursuing forensic science as a career. AWIFS is lead by professionals, college students, and community leaders who believe in education and bringing drug awareness/prevention to urban environments.
From the AWIFS website: “Commitment to the inclusion, advancement, and recognition of women as members of the forensic science community with a focus on bringing women in science together to “Network & Inspire”.”
College student volunteers with interest and/or experience in forensics or criminal justice are especially welcome. Some volunteer responsibilities may include STEM outreach/awareness, preparing and demonstrating hands-on activities, lesson plans, and exhibits, facilitating lectures and discussions on the topic of forensic science, and instructing students on proper material usage.
For more information, contact AWIFS through email at info@awifs.org or through telephone at 1-888-494-2112