The Youth Health Empowerment Project began in an effort to reduce the risks of spreading HIV and STDs among Philadelphia’s young adults. The project has grown to encompassing a range of community-wide health issues, as well as encouraging leadership development among youth. Y-HEP offers volunteer opportunities in the Peer Education Academy. Peer Education Academy strives to mainstream the education it delivers, create networks for youth to access various resources, provide skills for young adults to build upon for future endeavors, and support Philly youth when faced with challenges such as peer pressure and teen pregnancy. Y-HEP is comprehensive adolescent and young adult program that offers holistic health services, sexual health education, drop in day services, and leadership activities to over 3000 high-risk/high promise, low-income, urban youth ages 13-24 living in Philadelphia.

Volunteers at the Youth Health Empowerment Project assist the staff in being able to provide youth with better services while engaging in a unique experience to interact with Y-HEP incredible participants. All volunteers are expected to carry out Y-HEP’s mission to empower young people by maintaining the Y-HEP rights and responsibilities and interacting with the participants as a role model.
Please contact Don Russell, Program Director, if you are:
- interested in volunteering at Y-HEP or your organization wants to bring larger groups for a day of services,
- a part of an organization that provides free or low-cost activities or workshops that our youth might benefit from. We love to bring in other organizations to offer new educational, arts, or therapeutic opportunities for Y-HEP youth.
- an artist, musician, dancer, yogi, or have a talent to share and wish to volunteer with us, we’d love to have you as well!
Location: 1417 Locust Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: 215-564-6388